COVID-19 Visitor Guidelines:
- All visitors must make an appointment.
- Before entering our facility, all visitors must fill out a Health Screen, Liability Release & Media Release form.
- Limit of 4 visitors at the facility during the appointment.
- Stay 6 feet apart.
- All visitors must have a face mask, masks do not need to be worn outdoors or in open barn areas, unless asked to do so.
- Only 2 visitors in the office at a time, all visitors in the office must wear a mask.
- Visitors may not stay longer than their scheduled appointment time. This will give our staff time to disinfect before the next appointment.
- All visitors must follow staff directions, visitor guidelines and appointment times.
- Please email us at [email protected] request appointments and/or an adoption application.
Give Now!
Your support is vitally important to our mission of saving horses in need. A $10 donation will purchase a 50 pound bag of feed for a hungry horse. $150 will cover a horse's first initial veterinarian evaluation and first farrier care. Will you help a horse today?